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Displaying Component History

Select a component from any type of ChangeMan library, right-click, and select Component history from the popup menu. The Component History dialog box displays, showing the history of the selected component.

The following table describes the columns in the package list on the Component History dialog box:

Column Description
Package Packages that have referenced this component. If empty, indicates that the component was listed by impact analysis of the baseline libraries.
Promotion The common name for the promotion library, and the level reached, if the package has been promoted. "Staging" denotes the package has been subsequently demoted.
Version Version number (01 to 99 and then back to 00) and modification number (01 to 99) represent the same "" as the staging libraries.
Changed Date and time the component was last acted upon (checked out, staged, frozen, etc..).
Baseline Date and time that the package was baselined.
Proc Build procedure for the component.
User User ID ofthe last person to check out, stage, recompile, or relink the component in the package, or the last person to submit a scratch/ rename utility request for the component in the package.
Function Processing actions: CheckOut CheckIn Build Recomp Relink Scratch Rename
Status Component history status: CheckOut BackOut Promoted Demoted Deleted Baseline Del/Arch
SSI The 4-byte binary stamp placed on the module by ChangeMan (or taken from a prior placement).
Hash Hash token of component.
New name New name for a rename operation.
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