
The Modeling Process: Getting Started

To begin the modeling process:

  1. Open the Design Tool.
  2. On the File menu, click New to specify all the necessary settings in the New Model dialog box. When you have finished supplying the necessary settings, provide a model name, and click OK.
  3. You should now be connected to your specified host.
  4. Now, you're ready to add an entity to your model.

Creating a Model

With the Design Tool, you create a model of the host application. The model consists of a main model file and several supporting files that are located in the <documents>\RocketSoftware\Verastream\HostIntegrator\models\<your model folder>. The supporting files saved in your models directory vary depending on whether you are saving your model has a .model file or as a .modelx file.

For more information:

You can use Web Builder to quickly and easily generate a web application or component interface such as a web service or JavaBeans, based on the table of a host application model, or based on a host application screen layout.

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Configuring a Model

The Design Tool provides several ways to configure unique properties and settings that enhance the capabilities of the host application model. You can use the pre-configured settings files provided with Host Integrator to start with the defaults appropriate for the terminal session you are modeling. Settings include:

  • Variables - which allow attributes to be accessible from all parts of the Host Integrator
  • Model preferences - to customize default settings for the Design Tool
  • Model properties - to configure settings for the current model
  • Advanced entity properties - to configure settings for the current entity
  • Character mode - to configure settings for character mode terminal types (for example, VT)
  • Events- to configure synchronization for character mode terminal types
  • Command lists - to create a login, a logout, or a move cursor command list
  • Descriptions - to add descriptions in exported documentation created for the model.

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