Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is changing?
A: Micro Focus will be standardizing on one Support plan: Business Support. Standard Care will be discontinued.

Q: When do these changes take effect?
A: Effective December 1, 2018, Business Support will be the only available Support plan for new purchases or renewals.

Q: Why is Micro Focus moving to one Support plan for all products world-wide?
A: Micro Focus is simplifying its Support pricing and plans world-wide, to reduce complexity and to make us easier to do business with. The vast majority of Micro Focus customers are already on Business Support, but now we will align the rest of our customers on this Support plan.

Q: What are the benefits of Business Support?
A: Business Support provides 24x7x365 support with competitive target response times. In today's global and fast-moving world of IT, businesses need to run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to remain competitive. Your clients are constantly online on weekends and after business hours. Many of our customers expect the same from their business partners to ensure business continuity. As Micro Focus responds to enterprise software trends and our customer's evolving business demands, we are pleased to exclusively offer 24x7 support.

Q: I am a Standard Care customer. What is changing for me?
A: Standard Care customers will now benefit from global 24x7 support coverage and the target initial response times provided under the Business Support program. See a comparison of the programs below:

  Standard Care
(to be discontinued)
Business Support
Software Updates Yes Yes
Unlimited Technical Support Yes Yes
Online Self-Service Support Yes Yes
Hours of Access Business Hours* 24x7x365**
Target Response Time NA Severity 1–1 hr
Severity 2–3 hrs
Severity 3–6 hours
Severity 4–Next Business Day

* Select products in the COBOL, CORBA and Enterprise portfolios received 24x7 for Severity 1 issues with Standard Care. See the Micro Focus Business Support Agreement Addendum for a listing of products.

** Select products will receive Business Hours coverage under Business Support. See the Micro Focus Business Support Addendum for a listing of products.

Q: I am a current Business Support customer. What is changing for me?
A: Business Support customers will continue to enjoy the 24x7 support they have come to expect, as well as target response times you can count on. Nothing will change for you.

Q: Is there any action needed on my part to move into this new program?
A: Beginning December 1, 2018, Standard Care customers will receive quotes for Business Support and will transition into this program at time of renewal.

Q: Who can I talk to if I have more questions?
A: Please contact your local Partner or Sales Representative.