Trace store

Use this page to view trace information contained in a dataset or in memory. store can be A or B, for the A or B datasets, or X to indicate an in-memory trace.

Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.

Click this to see detailed information for the trace selected.


Specify the number of blocks that you want to be included in the detailed trace information starting at the first block in this index entry. The default is the number you specified in Blocks in the Diagnostics group in the menu.


Choose a level of trace information that you want to be included in the details:

0 Service start, module start, module end, service end. This is the default.
1 Enterprise server API entries and exits
2 Subsystem trace entres
3 All entries where it is possible to provide some formatting of the data
4 All trace entries

If you want to filter the details by process ID, check the check boxes next to the process IDS of the processes you want detailed trace information for.

Task IDs

If you want to filter the details by task ID, check the check boxes next to the task IDS of the tasks you want detailed trace information for.

Date(mm/dd/yy) Time

Shows a date and time stamp for the dump. The time stamp is in hours, minutes, seconds, hundredths of a second, and milliseconds.