Example CTF Configuration Files

Example ctf.cfg file 1

This configuration file traces the COBOL programs' loads, entries, exits and cancels, and creates a text file:

mftrace.emitter.textfile#Format = $(TIME) $(THREAD) $(COMPONENT) $(EVENT) $(LEVEL) :$(DATA)
mftrace.level.mf.rts              = info
mftrace.comp.mf.rts#pgm           = true
mftrace.comp.mf.rts#pgmload       = true
mftrace.comp.mf.rts#syspgm        = true

Example ctf.cfg file 2

This configuration file traces the COBOL programs' loads, entries, exits and cancels, and creates a text file:

mftrace.dest                      = binfile
mftrace.emitter.binfile#location  = /user/bin/logs
mftrace.level.mf.rts              = info
mftrace.comp.mf.rts#pgm           = true
mftrace.comp.mf.rts#pgmload       = true
mftrace.comp.mf.rts#syspgm        = true


  • /user/bin/logs is the location where the trace files for the application is created.
  • binfile indicates that a binary trace file is to be generated

Example app.config file

(For .NET environment only.) This configuration file traces the COBOL programs' loads, entries, exits and cancels, and creates a text file:

<?xml version ="1.0"?>
      <sectionGroup name="MicroFocus.COBOL.Tracing">
        <section name="mftrace_config"
         PublicKeyToken=0412c5e0b2aaa8f0" />
mftrace.dest                           = binfile
mftrace.emitter.binfile#location       = c:\logs
mftrace.level.mf.rts                   = info
mftrace.comp.mf.rts#pgm                = true
mftrace.comp.mf.rts#pgmload            = true
mftrace.comp.mf.rts#syspgm             = true