Value types can contain data members and function members, similar to classes. The difference is that value types store the
data as values and don't require heap allocation.
valuetype-id StudentRecord.
01 aName string public.
01 gpa float-short public.
method-id new.
procedure division using by value nam as string,
gpa as float-short.
set aName to nam
set self::"gpa" to gpa
end method.
end valuetype.
class-id a.
method-id main static.
local-storage section.
01 stu type StudentRecord value new StudentRecord("Bob", 3.5).
01 stu2 type StudentRecord.
procedure division.
set stu2 to stu
set stu2::aName to "Sue"
display stu::aName *> Prints Bob
display stu2::aName *> Prints Sue
end method.
end class.