or alphabetic-lower, or alphabetic-upper, or contains only the characters in the set of characters specified by the CLASS
clause as defined in the Special-Names paragraph of the Environment Division.
or the lower-case letters a, b, c, ... , z, space,
or any combination of the upper-case
and lower-case
letters and spaces.
or national
When used, NOT and the next key word specify one class condition that defines the class test to be executed for truth value; e.g. NOT NUMERIC is a truth test for determining that an operand is nonnumeric. When the class condition includes the word NOT and identifier-1 is a zero-length group item, the result of the class test is always true.
The truth value of a class test involving a zero-length group item is reversed by the ZEROLENGTHFALSE Compiler directive.
The NUMERIC test can be used with an item defined as a group item composed of elementary items whose data description indicates
the presence of operational sign(s).
and any combination of the lower-case alphabetic characters "a" through "z"
and the space.
The class condition cannot be used for external floating-point (USAGE DISPLAY) or internal floating-point (USAGE COMP-1 and
USAGE COMP-2) items.