Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.
To complete the definition of an IBM DB2 XAR, add the following values to the
Open string field. Enclose values containing spaces in double quotes.
Note: The open string format is defined by IBM. We strongly recommend that you become familiar with all of the available options
by reviewing the
DB2 Administration Guide and the
Application Programmer's Guide in your IBM documentation. Example settings are shown in this topic for guidance only.
The parameters are:
- DB
- The name of your DB2 database.
- The user ID required to connect to the DB2 server.
- The password required to connect the user ID to the DB2 Server. Required.
- The name of the library that contains the transaction manager's
ax_reg and
ax_unreg functions.
- For Windows:
- If the %PATH% environment variable includes the directory that contains the axlib library, set AXLIB to
If the %PATH% environment variable does not include the directory that contains the axlib library, set AXLIB to include the
absolute path of the axlib library. For example, set AXLIB to either
%COBDIR%\bin\CASAXLIB.dll (32bit) or
%COBDIR%\bin64\CASAXLIB.dll (64bit).
Note: In all cases, specification of the
.dll file extension is optional.
- For UNIX:
- If the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH or $LIBPATH environment variable includes the directory that contains the axlib library, set AXLIB
to either or
If the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH or $LIBPATH environment variable does not include the directory that contains the axlib library,
set AXLIB to include the absolute path of the axlib library. For example, set AXLIB to either
$COBDIR/lib/ (32bit) or
$COBDIR/lib/ (64bit).
Note: In all cases, specification of the
.so file extension is required.
- Static Registration flag (optional). To register the XA switch module statically, you must set
SREG=F or do not specify SREG to omit static registration (Default).
- See
SQL xa_open string Configuration Options for details.