
Verastream Host Integrator Release Notes

These release notes list the features and known issues in this release and information on how to obtain the product. VHI integration encapsulates host functionality into services for rapid re-use in new applications.

Enhancements and fixes which shipped in previous releases are included in this release. All releases are cumulative.

What's New in 7.9 Service Pack 1

  • TLS connections to the 3270 or 5250 host verify the certificate using the machine trust store.

  • New Linux installer option for Early Adopter Program. This will ease the installation process.

  • Added an option for users enable SOAP and REST service authentication for metadata (web page listing services, WSDL and REST descriptions), and additional service properties. For more information, see the Web Service Security topic in the Design Tool Help.

  • Previously the installer would not register the COM connector type library correctly. This error has been fixed.

  • Corrected an issue where the properties for a configured LDAP or Active Directory entry could not be edited in the Administrative Console.

  • VHI now ships version 1.8.0_422 of the Java Development Kit (JDK).

  • VHI now ships version 3.0.14 of OpenSSL.

  • VHI now ships bc-fips which is currently in queue for FIPS validation from the government. You can check the status of the certification here: NIST

What's New in 7.9

  • This release includes the ability to run in Kubernetes as part of our Early Adopter Program. These features are provided as early adopter product features only. They are being made available to allow you to test and provide feedback on the new capabilities.

  • The Linux installation contains improved logging when trying to set a password.

  • Previously a bad command ID parsing error would occur when executing the PerformTableProcedure method using the COM Connector. This error has been fixed.

  • Corrected an issue where long host names would result in a connection failure and the following message: “[VHI 2704] An error occurred in communications – Unable to resolve host name.”

  • You can now select a portion of the screen when first opening the Design Tool in offline mode. Previously, this was not the case.

  • You can now track ephemeral screens in VT applications. This allows you to capture data from screens that transition without user input.

  • The REST API call rsCreateSessionId now also returns the VMR File ID and Model- or Pool name.

  • The SOAP API call wsResourceCreate now also returns the VMR File ID and Model- or Pool name.

  • You can now add the remote host's public key to the user's known_hosts file when first connecting to a host.

  • Improved support for scrolling in VT applications. This allows you to capture scrolling data using multi-page record sets.

  • The Linux installation now checks for low entropy when the session server is selected.

  • The Session Server on Linux logs low entropy on startup.

  • VHI now ships version 1.8.0_362 of the Java Development Kit (JDK).

  • OpenSSL 3.0 is installed in this release. This is an upgrade from 1.0.2.

  • TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 will be the only versions enabled by default when connecting to 3270 and 5250 hosts.

Known Issues

  • The Linux version of Verastream Host Integrator has a dependency on libncurses5. If it is not already installed, you will need to manually install libncurses5, which can be done before or after the install process. Use your Linux distribution's package manager to install libncurses5. For example, on SLES, run sudo zypper install libncurses5 to install the library. On SLES 15 you may need to enable the Legacy Module to successfully install libncurses5.
  • When installing or upgrading VHI, you may encounter this error message: "The Java scripting manager failed to initialize". The likely cause is that the value of the system environment variable, VHI_ROOT, set at install time, was not updated to the correct install folder.

Technical Support is always available to help you with any issues you may encounter in VHI.

Installing the Product

Read the Installation Guide for information on system and installation requirements, upgrade instructions, and other helpful tips.

Contacting Rocket Software

For specific product issues, contact Technical Support.

Additional technical information or advice is available from several sources:

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