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Host Integrator event settings:

Action Taken after Reloading Event Handler Libraries

  • Determines whether to use an existing host session, or to shut down any existing host session and create a new one when rebuilding event handlers.
  • This setting is saved in the model file because it is specific to each host session.
  • The default is to use the existing session.

Automatically Send New Handlers to the Editor

  • Determines whether you automatically launch the default editor for newly-created event handlers or not.
  • The default is No.
  • Specifies whether the Design Tool automatically reloads the event handlers each time you make a change, or reloads only when a rebuild or reload command is executed.
  • This option is available on the Building tab of the Event Handler Settings dialog.
  • The default is Yes.

Default Event Handler Timeout

  • If a timeout is not specified for a particular event, this setting is used as the event handler timeout. This setting requires the event timeout to be enabled.
  • If the event handler exceeds this timeout when processing an event, a timeout error is generated.
  • You can also modify this setting (Default event timeout) on the Environment tab of the Event Handler Settings dialog.
  • The default is 10 seconds. The range is 1-9999 seconds.

Default Package Name for New Handlers

  • Specifies a package name that will prefix the class names of generated Java source files.
  • If you do not provide a package name, no package name is added to the class name.
  • The maximum length is 260 characters.

Disable Event Handler Timeouts in Design Tool

  • Controls the use of event handler timeouts. If event timeouts are enabled, the default or handler-specific event timeout setting is enforced.
  • If event timeout is disabled, no timeouts are enforced when an event handler is processing an event. All other running timeouts, such as operation timeouts, are suspended. This option is useful for debugging.
  • This setting is available from the Event Handler toolbar, and from the Events menu.
  • The default is No (timeout is enabled).

Event Handler Classpath

  • This is the classpath for non-event handler libraries that are searched to satisfy external class references in the event handlers, both when compiling and at run-time.
  • You cannot edit the classpath here. Specify classpath information in a script properties file.

Event Handler Language

  • This setting specifies Java as the event handler language and is read-only.

Event Handler Language Chosen

  • When set to No, event handlers have not been reviewed or implemented in the model.
  • When set to Yes, event handlers have been created.
  • This setting is read-only.

Event Handler Timeout Recovery

  • If an event handler times out, the timeout recovery interval, or abort interval, governs how long the event handler is given to complete and return control.
  • The default is 5 seconds.

Password Client Connect Test Parameter

  • The test parameter for "password" will be used to supply the credentials for an Authenticate user event in a lifecycle event handler. When using the Session Server, credentials will be supplied by a client connection as the "userid" and "password" parameters to one of the Host Integrator API Connect methods.
  • You can configure this setting on the Environment tab of the Event Handler Settings dialog.
  • The maximum length is 260 characters.

Script Manager State

  • Indicates the current condition of the script manager for event handlers.
  • This setting is read-only.
  • The possible states:

  • Ready: The server for event handler processing has all relevant updates.

  • Handler Update Needed: The session needs to be reset on the event handler server or event handlers need to be reloaded.
  • Reset Needed: This state occurs when the event handler server is blocked at a breakpoint or has been shut down. You can select Reload Handlers from the Events menu to change this state.

UserID Client Connect Test Parameter

  • The test parameter for UserID is used to supply the credentials for an Authenticate user event in a lifecycle event handler.
  • When using the Session Server, credentials will be supplied by a client connection as the "userid" and "password" parameters to one of the Host Integrator API Connect methods.
  • You can also configure this setting on the Environment tab of the Event Handler Settings dialog.
  • The maximum length is 260 characters.