WebFormDefineEncodeCustom Function


Defines how the encoding type ENCODE_CUSTOM encodes individual characters.

Include file



WebFormDefineEncodeCustom( in sEncodingDefinition : string ): boolean;

Return value

  • true if successful

  • false otherwise (syntax error in sEncodingDefinition)

Parameter Description
sEncodingDefinition String that defines how the encoding type ENCODE_CUSTOM works.

Syntax of an encoding definition

EncodingDef = SingleDef { Separator SingleDef }
Separator   = ";" | ","
SingleDef   = BaseDef | BlankDef | RangeDef
BaseDef     = "base" "=" StandardEnc
BlankDef    = PosNegDef "Blank2Plus"
PosNegDef   = "+" | "-" | "*"
RangeDef    = PosNegDef CharSet
CharSet     = String | CharRange
String      = "'" { character } "'"
CharRange   = SingleChar [ ".." SingleChar ]
SingleChar  = ( number from 0 to 255 ) | ( "'" character "'" )


// define ENCODE_CUSTOM identical to ENCODE_FORM (1st possibility)
WebFormDefineEncodeCustom("+0..255; -'a'..'z';"
                          " -'A'..'Z'; -'0'..'9';"
                          " -'*-@_. '; +Blank2Plus");

// define ENCODE_CUSTOM identical to ENCODE_FORM (2nd possibility)

// define ENCODE_CUSTOM identical to ENCODE_ESCAPE (1st possibility)
WebFormDefineEncodeCustom("+0..255; -'a'..'z';"
                          " -'A'..'Z'; -'0'..'9';"
                          " -'*-@_+./'; -Blank2Plus");

// define ENCODE_CUSTOM identical to ENCODE_ESCAPE (2nd possibility)
WebFormDefineEncodeCustom("base= ENCODE_ESCAPE");

// define ENCODE_CUSTOM identical to ENCODE_BLANKS (1st possibility)
WebFormDefineEncodeCustom("-0..255; +' '; +0; -Blank2Plus");

// define ENCODE_CUSTOM identical to ENCODE_BLANKS (2nd possibility)
WebFormDefineEncodeCustom("base= ENCODE_BLANKS");

// define ENCODE_CUSTOM identical to ENCODE_NONE (1st possibility)
WebFormDefineEncodeCustom("-0..255; -Blank2Plus");

// define ENCODE_CUSTOM identical to ENCODE_NONE (2nd possibility)
WebFormDefineEncodeCustom("base= ENCODE_NONE");

// URL encoding of Siebel 7 web client (1st possibility)
WebFormDefineEncodeCustom("+0..255; -'a'..'z';"
                          " -'A'..'Z'; -'0'..'9';"
                          " -' *-_.!()'; +Blank2Plus");

// URL encoding of Siebel 7 web client (2nd possibility)
WebFormDefineEncodeCustom("base=ENCODE_FORM; +'@'; -'!()'");