Initializes and starts the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Silk Performer requires the JVM from Sun Microsystems.
JavaCreateJavaVM( in nVersion : number optional ): boolean;
true if successful
false otherwise
Parameter | Description |
nVersion |
Version number of the Java Virtual Machine (optional). This parameter can be one of the following:
By default, the VM version, specified by the profile settings, is used. Note: The JavaSetOption function overrides the profile setting. |
dcltrans transaction TInit begin JavaSetOption(JAVA_VERSION, JAVA_V17); JavaSetOption(JAVA_HOME, "c:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0"); JavaSetOption(JAVA_CLASSPATH, "c:/myApplication/classes;c:/myTools/"); JavaCreateJavaVM(); JavaUserInit("SilkPerformerUser"); end TInit; transaction TRun begin JavaUserRun(); end TRun; transaction TMyTransaction begin JavaUserMethod("MyMethod"); end TMyTransaction; transaction TShutdown begin JavaUserShutdown(); end TShutdown;