MapiSetMessageAttachment Function


Sets information about a message attachment. Getting the property value of MAPI_PROP_MSG_ATTACH_COUNT will retrieve the number of recipients. The attachment ID's are 0 based.

Include file



MapiSetMessageAttachment( in hMessage     : number, 
                          in nAttachmentID: number,
                          in sFileName    : string, 
                          in sFullPath    : string ) : boolean;
Parameter Description
hMessage Valid MAPI Message Handle.
nAttachmentID ID of the attachment that should be set. This needs to be a value between 0 and MAPI_PROP_MSG_ATTACH_COUNT-1. The ID is 0 based! So - the first attachment has ID 0 - the second one 1, …
sFileName Filename of the attachment.
sFullPath Fullpath of the attachment.

Return value

  • true if successful
  • false otherwise


See MAPI Sample