Miscellaneous JMS Functions
JmsClearMessage Function
Clears out the header, body, and properties of the current message.
JmsClearMessageProperties Function
Sets the header and the message properties of the current message.
JmsEmptyQueue Function
Empties the given queue of a message.
JmsGetConsumerMessageListener Function
Gets the listener of the given destination.
JmsGetMessageHandle Function
Gets the handle of the received message.
JmsGetMessageObject Function
Gets the object from the last received message.
JmsGetReceivedMessageProperty Function
Gets the header and message properties of the current message.
JmsGetMessageSelector Function
Gets the message selector of the consumer.
JmsGetMessageText Function
Gets the message text from the last received message.
JmsReceiveMessage Function
Receives the first message from the given destination and returns the message type.
JmsSendObjectMessage Function
Sends an object message to the given destination.
JmsSendTextMessage Function
Sends a text message to the given destination.
JmsSetConsumerMessageListener Function
Attaches a listener for the given destination.
JmsSetMessageHandle Function
Sets the message to be sent.
JmsSetMessageProperty Function
Sets the header and the message properties for the current message.
JmsSetMessageSelector Function
Sets the message selector for the consumer.
JmsVerifyMessageText Function
Checks if the received text is the expected text. If not, returns an error.
JMS Functions Reference