Executes JavaScript code based on the currently loaded HTML content.
BrowserExecuteJavaScript( sScript : in string sResult : out string optional uTestObject : in union optional ): boolean;
Parameter | Description |
sScript | The JavaScript code. |
sResult | Optional: Variable receiving the result of the JavaScript execution, converted to a string. |
uTestObject | The XPath locator or the handle to the DOM element. This element can be accessed as
currentElement from within the script.
注: Return values are not supported when
uTestObject is specified. In this case, NULL must be supplied as value for
true if successful
false otherwise
benchmark SilkPerformerRecorder use "Kernel.bdh" use "BrowserAPI.bdh" dcluser user VUser transactions TJavascript : 1; dcltrans transaction TJavascript var sScript : string; sVersion : string; sObjectAsJSON : string; sResult : string; begin BrowserStart(BROWSER_MODE_DEFAULT, 800, 600); // define JavaScript to execute sScript := "window.open('http://demo.borland.com/gmoajax')"; // execute the script (which opens a new window and navigates to demo.borland.com) BrowserExecuteJavaScript(sScript); // Check, if page is using "Modernizr" BrowserExecuteJavaScript("if (window.Modernizr) { window.Modernizr._version; }", sVersion); if (Strlen(sVersion) > 0) then Print("Page is using Modernizr, version " + sVersion); else Print("Page is not using Modernizr"); end; // Acces object, stringifying it first BrowserExecuteJavaScript("JSON.stringify(window.Modernizr)", sObjectAsJSON); Print(sObjectAsJSON); // yields, e.g.: {"touch":false,"cssanimations":true,"csstransitions":true,"_version" ... } // run javascript for specific locator // return value can be retrieved via helper variable BrowserNavigate("http://demo.borland.com/gmoajax/"); BrowserExecuteJavascript("document.body.sResult=currentElement.currentStyle.borderBottomColor", NULL, "//img[@id='logoIMG']"); BrowserGetProperty("//body", "sResult", sResult); Print(sResult); // yields, e.g.: hsl(120, 33%, 43%) end TJavascript;