Status | Description |
Passed | If all steps are passed, the test status is set to Passed. The status reason of the first passed test step with a reason is used as the passed status reason for the test. |
Failed | If all steps are executed and at least one step is failed, the test status is set to Failed. The status reason of the first failed test step with a reason is used as the failed status reason for the test. |
Not Executed | As long as all steps are not executed, the test status is set to
Not Executed. The status reason of the first not executed test step with a reason is used as the not executed status reason for the test.
If you change the status of at least one step, the test status is set to In Progress. |
In Progress | Until every step is executed, the test status is set to In Progress. |
You can also set the test status manually. In the overview area of the Manual Testing window, or in the test steps area of a test step, click (Select Status) beside the status icon and select a status. See Status Reasons for detailed information about defining reasons for each status.
Apart from the test's status, you can also set a test to being blocked. Setting a test to blocked is useful to indicate that the test cannot be continued due to certain restrictions, for example a problem with the IT infrastructure.