The execution server executes automated tests that are scheduled by authorized users. Users are responsible for the proper configuration of execution servers and additional resources that are required for test executions. The system allows for the installation and configuration of multiple execution servers working independently of one another. The execution server uses port 19124 for the default instance. For secure connections with SSL, the server also uses port 19125.
Agent Computers:
The actual requirements and prerequisites for execution servers depend on the application under test (AUT) and the type of testing.
For load testing, refer to the environment requirements of Silk Performer. Running load tests with the minimal configuration can result in inaccurate results.
For functional testing, refer to the environment requirements of Silk Test. We recommend a minimum of 2048 MB main memory for intensive testing, such as Web browser replay.
The Linux execution server requires the latest version of Java Runtime Environment 1.8.
<JREPath>C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\MyJre8.0</JREPath>
There is no dependency between any installed JRE and the internally used JRE libraries, except if you require an execution server to run in 32-bit mode. To start the execution server in this case, you need to use the Execution Server Launcher or the Execution Server Package and your own installed 32-bit JRE. By default, execution servers are running in 64-bit mode.