An asterisk (*) indicates macro commands that you cannot record, but can create and edit in the Macro Editor.
- Connect
- Connect the PC to the AS/400 host.
- Compare Values*
- Compare two character strings or variables, and perform the specified commands based on the results.
- Cursor Position
- Position the cursor on the host screen.
- Disconnect
- Disconnect the PC from the AS/400 host.
- Exit Macro
- End the macro sequence.
- Goto Label*
- Jump to the specified
Label command in the macro sequence.
- Keystroke
- Send a function key to the host application.
- Label*
- Create a marker in the macro sequence to which a
Goto Label command can jump.
- Message*
- Show a dialog box with the specified message.
- Pause Macro*
- Pause the macro sequence for the specified number of seconds.
- Prompt*
- Create a dialog box that prompts the user for input.
- Receive
- Search the host screen for the specified characters.
- Copy From
- Copy selected areas of a display screen to the clipboard for pasting into an application or display screen.
- Paste To
- Paste clipboard information to an open application or session.
- Run Application*
- Run an application on the local PC.
- Type
- Send the specified characters or variable to the host screen.