Using the command line

The Printer Session Manager can be managed from the command line


PrinterService.exe [-Service] [-UnregServer] [-Auto] [-Account [<domain>/<user>]] [-Pwd [<password>]] [-Profiles [<profile_directory>]] [-Help]


Register service. [1]
Unregister service. [1]
The service is started automatically by the service control manager when the system starts. Used with –Service.
-Account [<domain>/<user>]
The name of the account under which the service should run. Used with -Service and -Pwd. [2] [3]
-Pwd [<password>]
The password to the account name specified by the account parameter. Used with -Service and - Account. [2]
-Profiles [<profile_directory>]
The directory containing mainframe printer session profiles. [1]
Displays the Help.
  1. Administrator rights are required.
  2. Failed if logon failed for the provided account and password.
  3. The account must be granted “Log on as a service” rights: