When you install Rumba, Setup prompts you for standard information. Plan your installation based on the following questions
(not necessarily in this order):
- Is this a first-time installation, or is a previous version of Rumba installed?
- Will you need to uninstall a Rumba version?
- What type of installation will you select: Complete or Custom?
- To which hosts will you connect: AS/400, mainframe, HP, or UNIX?
- Will you be using Intellimirror for your distributed installs?
- Will you be using Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) for your distributed installs?
- Will you be using SCCM combined with Intellimirror?
- Will you customize the installation with your own transforms?
- Will you be installing on Windows Terminal Server (Citrix)? After installing Rumba on Windows Terminal Server, follow its
vendor instructions on how to publish Rumba applications to your users.