Directory structure

The installed product has the following directory structure within the <webroot>\w2hlegacy\ root publishing directory:

Subdirectory Description
config\ The configuration utility, hostwizard.html.
data\ The sub-directories into which keyboard maps, scripts, macros, distribution packages, AS/400 FTX configuration, and watermark files are copied for all clients.
help\ The online documentation (Help) files.
images\ The graphics used by Web-to-Host.
javascript\ The include files used for some JavaScript functions.
pro\ The download software for Pro client connections.
rss\ The software for secure connections.
utils\ The Java Uninstall utility, MSI Packager, OnWeb Demo Server utility, and other useful utilities.
Note: If you choose to place the user data files location outside the Web-to-Host server installation folder, you must copy the file web.config from w2hlegacy to the new location. This is because the web.config file contains declarations of the MIME types to be allowed by IIS7.