This document describes how to configure and use the scancentral-sast 24.4 Helm chart for ScanCentral SAST components in Kubernetes. You can find the ScanCentral SAST Helm chart at
These charts were tested using the following Kubernetes versions:
OpenText recommends that you use the same tool versions to avoid unpredictable results.
The following instructions are for example purposes and are based on a default Kubernetes environment running under Linux, using the default namespace. Windows systems might require different syntax for certain commands and other Kubernetes Cluster providers might require additional/different configurations. Your Kubernetes administrator may require the use of specific namespaces and/or other configuration adjustments.
By default, the Fortify ScanCentral SAST components Helm chart references its images directly from DockerHub. For Kubernetes to properly install your images using the default configuration, you must create an image pull secret and store it in your installation namespace in Kubernetes. If you are replicating these images to a local repository, you can skip this task and update the relevant image values in the Helm chart to reference your local repository. To create an image pull secret:
Use the kubectl create secret command as shown in the following code sample:
kubectl create secret docker-registry \ \
--docker-username='<docker username>' \
--docker-password='<docker password>' \
--docker-email='<docker user email>'
The following command installs the SAST Controller and sensor (on linux by default) using the recommended defaults. In some cases, you might need to customize these values using the '--set' parameter or by creating a 'values.yaml' and passing it to the command line with '-f' flag. For more information about the values you can override, see the Helm Chart Values table.
Tip: To find the available Fortify ScanCentral SAST 24.4 Helm chart versions, go to
Use the following Helm commands to perform the installation:
helm install <release-name> oci:// --version <sc-sast-helm-chart-version> \
--set-file=secrets.fortifyLicense=<fortify.license> \
--set controller.sscUrl="https://<ssc-svc-name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local/ssc"
Verify that your ScanCentral SAST pods are running successfully. It might take a few minutes before your pod gets to a proper 1/1 Running
configuration. You can run the following command multiple times or use the flag -w
to watch for any changes.
kubectl get pods
Open a new terminal shell.
To access your ScanCentral SAST endpoint, set up port forwarding through kubectl.
For example, to forward the ScanCentral SAST service on localhost
port 8082
kubectl port-forward svc/<sc-sast-service-name> 8082:80
You can determine the
kubectl get services
Verify that you can access ScanCentral SAST API endpoint with your browser.
Configure your ScanCentral SAST Service URL in Fortify Software Security Center by performing following the steps:
Access the Fortify Software Security Center webpage by opening up a new terminal shell and setting up port forward on the Software Security Center service through kubectl. For example, to forward the Software Security Center service on localhost
port 8081
kubectl port-forward svc/<ssc-service-name> 8081:443
You can determine the
kubectl get services
Access the Software Security Center web application from your browser.
After you login to Software Security Center, select the Administration view.
Expand Configuration, and then select ScanCentral SAST.
Specify the ScanCentral SAST Controller URL, and the SSC and ScanCentral Controller shared secret. Follow the below steps to get the secret.
kubectl get secret <scancentral-sast-secret-name> -o jsonpath="{.data.scancentral-ssc-scancentral-ctrl-secret}" | base64 -d
You can determine the 'scancentral-sast-secret-name' by using the following command to list the Kubernetes secrets:
kubectl get secrets
Restart the Software Security Center pod (managed by statefulset) to effect the change by running the following command:
kubectl rollout restart statefulset <ssc-statefulset-name>
You can determine the 'ssc-statefulset-name' by using the following command to list the Kubernetes statefulsets:
kubectl get statefulsets
Restarting the Software Security Center statefulset causes its service port forwarding to be interrupted. See step 1 to configure port forwarding again.
Login back to Software Security Center. You should see ScanCentral view on the header and you can access the SAST page from that view.
See the Software Security Center and ScanCentral SAST documentation to submit a scan requests.
By default, the helm chart defines the container resource/requests based on recommended best-practice values intended to prevent performance issues and unexpected Kubernetes evictions of containers and pods. These values are often too large for a small test environment that does not require the same level of resources.
To disable these settings, paste the below values into a file called "resource_override.yaml" and add it to the install commandline with the -f flag. (e.g. -f resource_override.yaml")
WARNING: Using the following settings in production is not supported and will lead to unstable behaviors.
cpu: null
memory: null
cpu: null
memory: null
cpu: null
memory: null
cpu: null
memory: null
The current release of the ScanCentral SAST helm chart includes changes that might not be compatible with the previous chart version. However, Fortify Software Security Center is designed to persist its state in an external database, therefore the data will remain in the database regardless of the ScanCentral-SAST lifecycle.
Remove the previous ScanCentral SAST helm deployment. If you do not remember the release name, use the following example command to find it.
helm list
After you identify the previous ScanCentral SAST release, uninstall the Helm chart.
helm uninstall <release-name>
Now perform the steps listed in Installation.
The following values are exposed by the Helm chart. Unless specified as Required
, values should only be overridden as made necessary by your specific environment.
Key | Type | Default | Description |
controller.sscUrl | string | "" |
Specify the URL of Software Security Center |
secrets.fortifyLicense | Required if secrets.secretName is blank | "" |
fortify.license file contents. (Tip) Use "--set-file=secrets.fortifyLicense=<FORTIFY_LICENSE_PATH>" option when running a Helm install or upgrade. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
controller.additionalEnvironment | object | {} |
Defines any additional environment variables to add to the resulting pod. |
controller.affinity | pod.affinity | {} |
Defines Node Affinity configurations to add to resulting Kubernetes pods. |
controller.enabled | bool | true |
Specifies whether to deploy the Controller component. |
controller.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Specifies the image pull behavior. |
controller.image.repository | string | "fortifydocker/scancentral-sast-controller" |
Specifies the Docker repository from where to pull docker image. |
controller.image.tag | string | "24.4.0" |
Specifies the version of the docker image to pull. |
controller.ingress.annotations | object | {} |
Specifies ingress Annotations. |
controller.ingress.className | string | "" |
Specifies the ingress class. |
controller.ingress.enabled | bool | false |
Specifies whether to enable the ingress. |
controller.ingress.hosts | list | [{"host":"scancentral-sast-controller.local","paths":[{"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix"}]}] |
Defines ingress Host configurations. |
controller.ingress.tls | list | [{"hosts":["some-host"],"secretName":"some-name"}] |
Defines ingress TLS configurations. The default shows example configuration values. The actual default is [] . |
controller.nodeSelector | pod.nodeSelector | linux |
Defines Node selection constraint configurations to add to resulting Kubernetes pods. |
controller.persistence.accessMode | string | "ReadWriteOnce" |
Persistent Volume access mode (DEPRECATED: use persistence.accessModes instead) Used when 'existingClaim' is not defined. Should generally not be modified. |
controller.persistence.accessModes | list | ["ReadWriteOnce"] |
Persistent volume access modes. Used when 'existingClaim' is not defined. Should generally not be modified. |
controller.persistence.annotations | object | {} |
Persistent Volume Claim annotations. Used when 'existingClaim' is not defined. |
controller.persistence.enabled | bool | true |
Specifies whether to persist controller data across pod reboots. 'false' is not supported in production environments. |
controller.persistence.existingClaim | string | "" |
Provides a pre-configured Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim. This is the recommended approach to use in production. |
controller.persistence.selector | object | {} |
Specifies the selector to match an existing Persistent Volume. Used when 'existingClaim' is not defined. |
controller.persistence.size | string | "10Gi" |
Specifies the Persistent Volume size. Used when 'existingClaim' is not defined. |
controller.persistence.storageClass | string | "" |
Specifies the Persistent Volume storage class, used when 'existingClaim' is not defined. If defined, storageClassName: |
controller.podAnnotations | pod.annotations | {} |
Defines annotations to add to resulting Kubernetes Pod(s). |
controller.podLabels | pod.labels | {} |
Defines labels to add to resulting Kubernetes Pod(s). |
controller.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":1,"memory":"8Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":1,"memory":"8Gi"}} |
Specifies resource requests (guaranteed resources) and limits for the pod. By default, these are configured to the minimum hardware requirements as described by the ScanCentral SAST documentation. Your workload might require larger values. Consult the documentation and ensure these values are appropriate for your environment. |
controller.service.port | int | 80 |
Specifies the port for the K8s service. |
controller.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Specifies which Kubernetes service type to use for Controller (ClusterIP, NodeIP, or LoadBalancer) |
controller.sscRemoteIp | string | "" |
Specifies the allowed remote IP address for Software Security Center. Only requests with a matching remote IP address are allowed. The default IP address is resolved from ssc_url. Set this value if the Controller accesses Software Security Center via a reverse proxy server. This value can be a comma separated IP addresses or CIDR network ranges. |
controller.thisUrl | string | "" |
Specifies the URL of the ScanCentral SAST Controller used to provide artifacts from the Controller. |
controller.tolerations | pod.tolerations | [] |
Specifies Toleration configurations to add to the resulting Kubernetes pods. |
fullnameOverride | string | |
Overrides the fully qualified app name of the release. |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
Specifies a secret in the same namespace to use for pulling any of the images used by the current release. You must provide this if pulling images directly from DockerHub. |
nameOverride | string | |
Overrides the name of this chart. |
secrets.clientAuthToken | string | "" |
Kubernetes secret that stores the authentication token clients use to connect to the Controller. |
secrets.secretName | string | "" |
Specifies a Kubernetes secret containing ScanCentral SAST sensitive data. If empty, a secret is created automatically using sensitive properties. If not empty, the existing secret referenced by "secretName" is used and sensitive entries in this section are ignored |
secrets.sscScanCentralCtrlSecret | string | "" |
Secret that stores authentication credentials to Software Security Center. |
secrets.workerAuthToken | string | "" |
Kubernetes secret that stores the authentication token sensors used to connect to the Controller. |
trustedCertificates | list | [] |
Specifies a list of certificates in PEM format to be added to ScanCentral SAST Controller and sensor Trust Store (Tip) Use "--set-file=trustedCertificates[ |
workers.linux.additionalEnvironment | list | [] |
Defines any additional environment variables to add to the resulting pod. |
workers.linux.affinity | pod.affinity | {} |
Defines Node Affinity configurations to add to resulting Kubernetes pods. |
workers.linux.autoUpdate.enabled | bool | true |
Specifies whether to update Rulepacks on the sensor prior to starting. |
workers.linux.autoUpdate.locale | string | "en" |
Specifies the Rulepack locale. | | string | nil |
FQDN for the proxy to autoupdate. Not a URL. |
workers.linux.autoUpdate.proxy.password | string | nil |
Autoupdate proxy password |
workers.linux.autoUpdate.proxy.port | string | nil |
Autoupdate Proxy server port |
workers.linux.autoUpdate.proxy.username | string | nil |
Autoupdate proxy username |
workers.linux.autoUpdate.server.acceptKey | bool | false |
Automatically accept the update server's public key. |
workers.linux.autoUpdate.server.acceptSslCertificate | bool | false |
Automatically accept the update server's SSL certificate public key. |
workers.linux.autoUpdate.server.url | string | nil |
Specifies the URL of the update server. Leave empty to set to the default for the Fortify update server |
workers.linux.controllerProxyHost | string | nil |
Specifies a proxy host used to connect to the Controller. |
workers.linux.controllerProxyPassword | string | nil |
Specifies the proxy password. |
workers.linux.controllerProxyPort | string | nil |
Specifies the proxy host port used to connect to the Controller. |
workers.linux.controllerProxyUser | string | nil |
Specifies the username used to connect to the proxy. |
workers.linux.controllerUrl | string | nil |
Specifies the Controller URL. If empty, it is configured automatically based on the endpoint of the Controller installed by the chart. If the chart's Controller is disabled, this property is required. |
workers.linux.enabled | bool | true |
Allows to enable/disable this component |
workers.linux.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Specifies the image pull behavior. |
workers.linux.image.repository | string | "fortifydocker/scancentral-sast-sensor" |
Specifies the Docker Repository name from where to pull the Docker image. |
workers.linux.image.tag | string | "24.4.0" |
Specifies the version of the docker image to pull. |
workers.linux.nodeSelector | pod.nodeSelector | linux |
Defines Node selection constraint configurations to add to resulting Kubernetes pods. |
workers.linux.os | string | "linux" |
Specifies the sensor operating system (linux/windows). |
workers.linux.persistence.accessMode | string | "ReadWriteOnce" |
workers.linux.persistence.accessModes[0] | string | "ReadWriteOnce" |
workers.linux.persistence.annotations | object | {} |
workers.linux.persistence.enabled | bool | false |
Specifies whether to use an external persistent store for the temporary worker data. Using this option in production is not recommended and will be removed in a future release. |
workers.linux.persistence.selector | object | {} |
workers.linux.persistence.size | string | "10Gi" |
Specifies the Persistent Volume size. Used when 'existingClaim' is not defined. |
workers.linux.persistence.storageClass | string | "" |
workers.linux.podAnnotations | pod.annotations | {} |
Defines annotations to add to resulting Kubernetes pods. |
workers.linux.podLabels | pod.labels | {} |
Defines labels to add to resulting Kubernetes pods. |
workers.linux.replicas | int | 1 |
Number of replicas |
workers.linux.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":8,"memory":"32Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":8,"memory":"32Gi"}} |
Resource requests (guaranteed resources) and limits for the pod. The default values are based on a generalized baseline and should be adjusted to the correct size based on the sizing calculations in the ScanCentral SAST documentation. |
workers.linux.restapiConnectTimeout | int | 10000 |
workers.linux.restapiReadTimeout | int | 30000 |
workers.linux.scanTimeout | string | nil |
workers.linux.sscProxyHost | string | nil |
Proxy host for connecting to Software Security Center. |
workers.linux.sscProxyPassword | string | nil |
Specifies the proxy password. |
workers.linux.sscProxyPort | string | nil |
Specifies the proxy host port used to connect to Software Security Center. |
workers.linux.sscProxyUser | string | nil |
Specifies the username used to connect to the proxy |
workers.linux.tolerations | pod.tolerations | [] |
Defines Toleration configurations to add to resulting Kubernetes pods. |
workers.linux.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] |
Implementing spread constraints can be used to balance load and manage "noisy neighbor" scenarios. |
workers.linux.uuidDerivedFromPodName | bool | true |
Specifies whether to a assign UUIDs to sensors based on the namespace and pod name. Sensors will have the same UUID on restarts even if persistence is disabled. |
workers.linux.workerCleanupAge | int | 168 |
Specifies the sensor cleanup age. |
workers.linux.workerCleanupInterval | int | 1 |
Specifies the sensor cleanup interval. |