Select this to allow all users to access Filr through the Filr desktop application.
Deselect this if you want only designated users and groups to have desktop access as controlled through user and group settings
Select this to allow users to enable the option on the page in the Filr Console.
option availability is also configurable for individual users and groups through the Users and the Groups management dialogs ( > ).
For more information, see Controlling File Downloads by the Filr Desktop Applications in the OpenText Filr 23.4: Maintenance Best Practices Guide. |
If you select this, then download attempts by unlisted applications trigger system alerts to users that a download has been blocked by an administrative setting.
This option doesn’t provide for user control of application-driven downloads.
Whitelist can be left empty, however restore defaults will populate the list of default whitelist applications.
You can add and remove applications for your organization as needed.
If you select this, then download attempts by blacklisted applications trigger system alerts to users that a download has been blocked by an administrative setting.
This option doesn’t provide for user control of application-driven downloads.
Filr includes two default blacklists (Windows and Mac) that you can modify as needed.
Blacklisted applications are blocked from downloading files through Filr.
Unlisted applications are allowed to download files.
A download attempt by an unidentified application causes the application to be added to a list of blocked applications.
Users can allow downloading by any blocked applications through their desktop Filr console.
Whitelist can be left empty, however restore defaults will populate the list of file types that are default whitelist applications
Only the built-in administrator can create a customized list.
Applications listed here and in the Blacklist are blocked.
In other words, the Blacklist trumps the Whitelist.
Filr includes a fairly extensive list of common antivirus and backup applications to offer a level of protection against unwanted file downloading.
Only the built-in administrator can customize this list.
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Click this to save your changes.
Current user sessions are not affected. To see changes, users must log in to a new session.
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