18.1 Managing Shared Items

Use this dialog to manage the share settings for all shared files and folders.

Path: Port 8443 Filr Admin Console Management > Shares

Table 18-1 Using the Shares dialog

Field, Option, or Button

Information and/or Action

Manage Shares


Find share items by: drop-down list

  • Use this to filter the list of shares by one of the options below.

  • User

  • Begin typing the name of a user in the User field, then select the user name when it appears in the drop-down list. All active shares from that user are displayed in the table.

  • File

  • Begin typing the name of a file in the File field, then select the file name when it appears in the drop-down list. All active shares associated with that file are displayed in the table.

  • Folder

  • Begin typing the name of a folder in the Folder field, then select the folder name when it appears in the drop-down list.

  • Or click the Browse icon next to the Folder field and browse to the folder. All active shares associated with that folder are displayed in the table.

  • Find all shares

  • Select this to display all active shares in the Filr system.

Shared With sub-section

  • This section lists all of the shared items and who has access to them.

  • You can also use the checkbox next to this label to select all of the listed shares.

    After the shares are selected, you can modify the shared-access rights.

  • Delete button

  • Use this to remove any of the listed shares from the list. Only the share is removed, shared items themselves are not affected.

  • Access Rights

  • After selecting a shared item, you can decrease the granted access rights or increase them within the limits available to the user who shared the item.

  • Allow re-share with

  • You can adjust the re-share privileges within the limits available to the user who shared the item.

  • Expires

  • The default share expiry is set to 30 days. The maximum value you can set is 9999 days.

    You can adjust the expiration so that the share never expires, expires on a certain date, or expires after a specified number of days.

  • Note:

  • You can include a note about the changes you have made. This will then be distributed according to the option that you select for the Notify option.

  • Notify:

  • You can choose among four notification options:

    • All recipients: An email that includes your note is sent to all of those with the share.

    • Only newly added recipients: An email that includes your note is sent to newly added recipients.

    • New and modified recipients: An email that includes your note is sent to all newly added recipients and those whose privileges have changed.

    • None: No email is sent.

  • Share Access Report

  • Click Share Access Report to view the share access details of the sharee.

    The Access report displays the following information:

    • User: Name of the user who has accessed the share

    • IP Address: The IP address of the device that was used to access the share

    • First Access Time: The date and time when the share was first accessed. No information is received when the share is accessed again.

    • Group: If the user has shared to a group, then the name of the group is displayed that the user is part of.

    The sharer receives an email notification with access details when the share is accessed by the sharee. A report is generated per share when the following conditions are satisfied:

    • Users having Filr 5.0 and later Advanced Edition license

    • File or folder shared with Filr 3.4 or later

OK button

  • Click this to save your changes and send notifications as specified.

Cancel button

  • Click this to cancel the changes you have made.