The deleted function recovers records that have been marked as deleted, but which have not yet been overwritten by a new record. This function can be used only with Vision 5 files.
The -deleted option looks for records marked as deleted and writes their contents to a sequential file. For example:
vutil -deleted -vb infile.vis outfile.seq
reads through the list of deleted record areas in infile.vis and writes the data to outfile.seq in the form of a sequential file with variable length records and a portable record header that indicates the size of the record.
The file containing the deleted records may be loaded back into the Vision file with vutil -load, or opened by the runtime like any other sequential file.
The command syntax is:
vutil -deleted [-v] [-b] [-t] [-q] source destination
-v | creates a file that contains variable-length records. |
-b | creates a binary sequential file that is compatible with the ACUCOBOL-GT runtime.
If the -v option is also specified, variable length records are written. Otherwise, fixed-length records are written. |
-t | creates a line sequential file. This option always writes variable length records. |
-q | tells vutil to perform all actions without prompting the user for input. This is useful when running vutil -deleted as a batch job. |
source | is the name of an existing Vision 5 file. |
destination | is the name of the file to be filled with the recovered data. |
By default, recovered records are written in a machine dependent binary sequential file format that is not compatible with the runtime. To create a file that is compatibility with the ACUCOBOL-GT runtime, include either the -b or -t option.