Typically, COPY library files are automatically added to your project when you add source files to the project. To ensure that this happens, make sure that the Automatically parse program for COPY files check box is enabled when you add a source file, as described in the previous section.
When AcuBench performs its parsing, it searches for COPY files in the directories defined in the COPYPATH environment variable. Any change to the definition of COPYPATH can affect whether a COPY file is found. A procedure for changing the COPYPATH definition is found in the following subsection.
After AcuBench has finished a successful parse, any COPY files that it finds are added to the project’s File view Copylib folder. You can reparse a source file at any time by right-clicking the source file icon (in the File view) and selecting Reparse from the pop-up menu.
By default, COPYPATH is set to the relative paths of the project’s screen, COPY, resource, and layout (FD) folders, as well as the absolute path to the ACUCOBOL-GT sample directory and its .def (COPY files) folder (C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\extend x.x.x\AcuGT\sample\def, for example).
To redefine COPYPATH to include other directories, do one of the following: