If you want to use AcuBench's code generation tools with your existing COBOL source code, there are three basic options available.
You can:
- Create a new AcuBench program and use it to generate screen or report code, then copy the generated code into your existing
source file
- Create a program structure file for your existing source file
- Create a new AcuBench program and use the graphical designers to copy and paste code from your existing source files into
the new program
Each option has its own advantages and considerations.
- If you choose to use an AcuBench template program to generate code that you then place into your existing source files, you
retain your familiar code format and strict control over the contents of your source files. You lose, however, the flexibility
of using the drag-and-drop design interfaces to make quick changes to your program
- If you choose to create a program structure file for your existing source file, you gain access to some of the AcuBench code
generation facilities while retaining most of the familiar code structure of your existing file. Because AcuBench has a limited
ability to parse and understand your existing code, however, not all of the workbench's automation tools are available for
your use
- If you choose to bring your existing source code into a new AcuBench program, you gain access to all of the automated code
generation tools that the workbench provides. This process may, however, be time consuming and requires adaptation to AcuBench's
formats and processes
Whichever option you choose, keep in mind that to make best use of the tools that AcuBench provides, converting the source
code is only one part of the process. By creating data layout files (.dlt) to define your data and data handling code for AcuBench, you greatly increase the utility and functionality of the AcuBench
graphical designers.