Add an alias Enter the alias name: alias-unikix Enter the name of the precompiler: kixclt Enter precompiler options: -O B_OUTPUT B_INPUT >B_ERROR 2>&1 Enter precompiler directives: EXEC CICS Enter required precompiler extension if any: .cl2 Press <Return> to continue...
Since UniKix uses the -o option to specify the output file, it can be specified by the B_OUTPUT keyword. The name of the input file is specified by the B_INPUT keyword. UniKix does not have an option to specify an error output file, the >B_ERROR 2>&1 redirects the error output from the screen to the file associated with the B_ERROR keyword.
EXEC SQL is specified as the precompiler directive since UniKix uses this phrase to begin its CICS statements.
UniKix requires that the source file have an extension of .cl2 so it is specified as the required precompiler extension.
If there are COBOL COPY statements in the source file UniKix requires these files to exist on the server where kixclt is run. You can use the Boomerang-COPY command on the client side to instruct Boomerang to copy the COPY files to the server and to use them in the preprocessing phase.
UniKix requires that you have the following environment variables set:
See your UniKix documentation for information on setting these variables. Boomerang requires setting these variables before starting the Boomerang server. If you use the -Sf or -COPY client commands to send COPY files from the client to the server, be sure you add the directory where the Boomerang server resides to the server COPYPATH environment variable so that these COPY files can be found by the preprocessor. The files specified by the -Sf or -COPY commands get copied into the directory where the Boomerang server resides.