A file description entry describes the physical structure, identification, and record names for a program's data files.
FD file-name [IS EXTERNAL] [IS GLOBAL] [BLOCK CONTAINS [min TO] max {RECORDS } ] {CHARACTERS} [RECORD { CONTAINS [min TO] max CHARACTERS } ] { IS VARYING IN SIZE [ FROM min ] } { [ TO max ] CHARACTERS } { [ DEPENDING ON depend ] } [ LABEL { RECORD IS } {STANDARD} ] { RECORDS ARE } {OMITTED } [ VALUE OF LABEL IS label-lit ] [ VALUE OF { FILE-ID } IS id-name ] { ID } [ CODE-SET IS alphabet ] [ DATA { RECORD IS } {record-name} ... ] { RECORDS ARE } [ LINAGE IS page-size LINES [ WITH FOOTING AT footing-line ] [ LINES AT TOP top-lines ] [ LINES AT BOTTOM bottom-lines ] ] .
The file description entry clauses are described separately in the online help.