Relative pathnames in filepath are interpreted as relative to the location of the .srf file that contains the include tag. This is also true for any additional nested Include tags: the path is always relative to the server response file that is being processed.
If an included .srf file contains a StartService tag, the service program's working directory is the directory that contains the .srf file that rendered the tag.
The included file does not need to be a .srf file. For example, an .html file, a .css (cascading style sheet) file, or a .js (JavaScript) file can also be included, and in this case, the Include tag is simply replaced by the content of the specified file.
On BIS/IIS, an include tag can appear anywhere in a .srf file-even before the handler tag.
If an Include tag is the last tag on a line, it will be followed by a newline unless immediately followed by a comment tag.