Special Properties

FILE-PATH (alphanumeric)

When a .NET control does not reside in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) or in the directory in which the run-time resides, you must use the FILE-PATH parameter to disclose the location of the control. The parameter value is a file name or a file path and file name of an XML file containing the .NET assembly information.

In the example below, Assembly, Module, StrongName, Version, and Culture are from the assembly COPY file that was generated by the NETDEFGEN utility. FilePath is the full path name of the control.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <StrongName /> 

Note that FilePath could also be a UNC or URI notation, like \HostName\bin\Debug\AmortControl.dll or file://HostName//bin/Debug/AmortControl.dll.