If you did not create LoadGrid events, AcuBench still adds lines to the .cbl source file that you can use to read multiple records into the control. The code for this paragraph, Acu-report-grid-TABBODY, is generated between {Bench} tags. One PERFORM statement is isolated in such a way as to allow you to add code to populate the grid with data.
*{Bench}Report1:Report-Grid:-dogridrtn Acu-Report-Grid-TABBODY. PERFORM Acu-Initialize-Report-Grid *(Bench}initial grid load para PERFORM UNTIL Report-Report-Grid-LOADGD-SW = 0 PERFORM Acu-Report-Grid-TabbodyPrintLoop *(Bench}next grid load para END-PERFORM PERFORM Acu-CLOSE-Report-Grid . *{Bench}end
For the same reasons as described with the report control, it is recommended that you define the code to populate the grid in the Report Composer via the Grid event tab.