Adding Aliases

Use the following procedure to add an alias.

  1. Click item [1] on the alias menu. You will receive the following prompt:
    Add an alias 
    Enter the alias name:
  2. Enter the name of the alias you want to add. If the named alias already exists in the alias file, a message displays:
    Alias already exists

    and you are returned to the alias menu. Otherwise, you are asked for the working directory for the alias:

    Enter the working directory: 
  3. Enter an existing directory name. (Note that Acuconnect does not verify that this directory actually exists.) You are then asked for a command line for the runtime:
    Enter the command line: 
  4. Enter the command line that you would normally enter when executing the runtime, except do not include the runtime name.
    Enter the command line: 

    The command line is parsed and the alias entry is added to the alias file. If there are incorrect parameters in the command line, the parsing fails and the alias is not added to the alias file. Note that if you inadvertently add a space, tab, or special character to the name of your program, it may not be found.


To add an alias entry named "tour" that runs the tour program with the command runcbl -le err tour, you would have the following interaction:

C:\MicroFocus\AcuCBL8xx\AcuGT\bin> acurcl -alias 
Enter the name of the Alias file: [/etc/acurcl.ini] myalias.ini
'myalias.ini' does not exist. Do you want to create it [N]? y
RCL Alias file options 
1) Add an alias entry 
2) Remove an alias entry
3) Modify an alias entry 
4) Display alias entries 
5) Exit 

Enter Choice [4]: 1 
Add an alias 
Enter the alias name: tour 
Enter the working directory: 
Enter the command line: 
-le err tour 
Press <Return> to continue...

RCL Alias file options 
1) Add an alias entry 
2) Remove an alias entry
3) Modify an alias entry 
4) Display alias entries 
5) Exit 

Enter Choice [4]: 5