Use this variable to specify a file in which the actions of the transaction recovery process, run using C$RECOVER, are written.
The value of this variable can contain a number of special parameters:
- If the file name starts with a plus sign ("+"), the report is appended to the specified file. By default, a new report overwrites
the specified file.
- If the name contains the string
%p, when the report is generated that string is replaced with the process ID (PID) of the runtime from which the report originates.
- If the name contains the string
%d, that string is replaced with the current date in the form YYYYMMDD where YYYY is the year, MM month and DD day.
- If the name contains the string
%t, that string is replaced with the current time in the form HHMMSSTTT where HH is the hour, MM minute, SS second and TTT milliseconds.
- If the name contains the string
%u, that string is replaced with the username.
- If the name contains the string
%h, that string is replaced with the hostname.
For example, the following value creates a recovery report in the current directory, appending the process ID to the file
LOG_RECOVER_REPORT recover-%p.txt
Note: If C$RECOVER is called multiple times from the same COBOL program, subsequent calls will append (not overwrite) details to
the file, unless the program uses the SET ENVIRONMENT verb to change the value of LOG_RECOVER_REPORT.