Attempts to connect to the server fail, possibly returning a 9D/ 103, connection refused error. Connection refused errors
occur for a variety of reasons:
- The matching access record specifies an invalid Local Username, or
DEFAULT_USER holds an invalid user name. Note that the use of
same as client in the Local Username field of the access record can lead to the attempted use of an invalid user name (same as client directs AcuConnect to use the Client Username as the Local Username).
- There is no matching access record for the client machine name/client user name combination.
- If connecting to a UNIX server, the AcuConnect license on the server may require that the acushare license manager be running,
and AcuConnect was not able to start acushare automatically.
- If connecting to a Windows server, various limitations in Windows can prevent a child runtime from starting.
To investigate and correct this situation, you must be familiar with AcuConnect server access configuration and have access
to root or administrator privileges. Work with your AcuConnect system administrator. See
Diagnosing Connection Refused Errors on a UNIX Server and
Diagnosing Connection Refused Errors on a Windows Server for more information.