Retrieving Messages with -x runtime option

At run time, if you specify an error file and use the -x option, the runtime puts the extended error code and some text associated with the error into the error file. (When run against an Informix database, you'll see three levels of error codes in the file: ACUCOBOL-GT error, Informix database error, and ISAM error.) A value of zero for any level means no error at that level.


runcbl -le errfile -x myprogram


-l Causes the contents of the runtime configuration file to be included in the error output.
e (or -e) Causes the error output to be placed in the file named immediately after the option.
errfile The user-specific name of the error file
-x Causes the secondary error numbers to be included.
myprogram The name of your object file

The error file will look like this:

*** File system error value = 3 *** 
*** Dictionary (.xfd) file not found*** 
File error 9D,03 on filename 
Dictionary (.xfd) file not found