Accessing XML Data Over the Internet

There are two ways to access XML data from ACUCOBOL-GT:

  1. Via the C$XML library routine, which gives you low-level control over the XML data that is parsed.
  2. Via AcuXML, which provides a transparent file system interface between ACUCOBOL-GT applications and XML documents.

With either method, an ACUCOBOL-GT program can read whatever XML files a user indicates, and/or output data in XML format. It doesn't matter whether the data is in a LAN, WAN, or Internet configuration. Both methods support Internet notation for remote filenames.

Accessing XML data on the Internet

Although AcuServer can be used to provide remote file access to XML documents, it is not required. ACUCOBOL-GT applications can process XML streams directly on socket connections.

For more information on using AcuXML, see ACUCOBOL-GT User's Guide. For information on using the C$XML library routine, see C$XML.