For Windows systems, IBM may supply the Transaction Gateway library as a ".lib" file rather than a DLL. As mentioned earlier,
the Transaction Gateway routines must be linked into the ACUCOBOL-GT runtime. The process uses the direct call method described
in Working with C and C++ Programs.
To link the Transaction Gateway library into "wrun32.dll", you must:
- Include the following lines in the file "direct.c", located in the acugt\lib folder of your ACUCOBOL-GT installation.
extern short CICS_ExternalCall();
extern short CICS_EciListSystems();
{ "CICSEXTERNALCALL", FUNC CICS_ExternalCall, C_short },
{ "CICSECILISTSYSTEMS", FUNC CICS_EciListSystems, C_short },
{ NULL, NULL, 0 }
- Open Visual Studio .NET and load the solution file "wrun32.sln", located in the acugt\lib folder.
- Open the Project/Properties interface, expand the Linker folder, and do the following:
- Select Input, then add the name of the Transaction Gateway library, "cclwin32.lib", next to "Additional Dependencies".
- Select General and add the path to "cclwin32.lib" on the "Additional Library Directories" line. For example:
C:\Program Files\IBM\IBM CICS Transaction Gateway\lib
- On the main menu bar, select Build/Rebuild Solution. This command recompiles all of the required files, including "direct.c",
and links "cclwin32.lib" into "wrun32.dll".