The acuthin command parameters can be specified as follows:
acuthin server[:port] [rarg1 [rarg2 . . .]] alias [carg1 [carg2 . . .]]
acuthin acurcep://server[:port]/alias[?carg1[&carg2 . . .]]
[ ] | is optional parameters |
server | is a server name |
port | is a port number |
rarg1 | is an argument passed on the runtime command line before the program name |
carg1 | is an argument passed on the runtime command line after the program name |
acurcep | is ACUCOBOL-GT Remote COBOL Execution Protocol |
alias | is an alias that identifies a COBOL application on the server |
For example:
acuthin myserver:5633 –d myprog1 10 20 30
acuthin acurcep://myserver:5633/myprog1?10&20&30
If you execute the acuthin command with an invalid argument, AcuConnect displays a standard "Usage:" error message. For example:
Usage: acuthin [--ping | -p] server:port acuthin --accept acuthin --register acuthin --unregister acuthin [-t [n]] server[:port] [runtime options] ALIAS [COBOL arguments]
Other acuthin command-line options allow you to perform specific functions. See Debugging in a Transaction Processing Environment for a description of debugging a COBOL program from within a transaction processing environment. See Testing Your AcuConnect Connection for information about command-line options to test your connection (-p or --ping). See Setting Username and Password for a description of the options for designating username and password (--user and --password).