If you defined LoadGrid events, the code to populate the grid is automatically added to the .cbl source file and looks something like this:
*{Bench}myreport:mygrid:-dogridrtn Acu-mygrid-TABBODY. PERFORM Acu-Initialize-mygrid *(Bench}initial grid load para PERFORM mygrid-LoadGridInit PERFORM UNTIL myreport-mygrid-LOADGD-SW = 0 PERFORM Acu-mygrid-TabbodyPrintLoop *(Bench}next grid load para PERFORM mygrid-LoadGridNext END-PERFORM. PERFORM Acu-CLOSE-mygrid . *{Bench}end *
With LoadGrid events, there is also a new variable generated for each report. It's definition is as follows:
77 myreport-mygrid-LOADGD-SW PIC 9 VALUE 0.
This variable is the switch that starts and stops the loop. To start the loop and thus the printing of data, you need to add a line of code similar to this one at the beginning of the PERFORM mygrid-LoadGridInit paragraph:
MOVE 1 TO myreport-mygrid-LOADGD-SW