To provide flexible interaction between your COBOL applications and data and popular commercial applications and data in the Windows environment, we offer two different ODBC interface technologies.
The first, Acu4GL® for ODBC, is designed to give your ACUCOBOL-GT applications access to ODBC-compliant data sources such as Microsoft Access. You can use standard COBOL I/O statements to access these data sources, locally or remotely.
The second, AcuXDBC™, gives ODBC-enabled applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and Access access to Vision data. Business Intelligence tools such as Crystal Reports® Professional, and custom applications developed in ODBC supported environments such as Visual Basic® are supported as well. AcuXDBC also works with Java Database Connectivity (JDBC).
This section provides general information about using our ODBC interfaces. For detailed instructions, see the Acu4GL User's Guide and the AcuXDBC User's Guide.