Details on how to prepare your application are covered in the AcuConnect documentation; use the links at the bottom of the topic for further details.
ActiveX controls and .NET controls are not supported by AcuToWeb in the context of a user interface; however, using the CREATE verb to instantiate an ActiveX control with no UI, or using CREATE to instantiate a .NET assembly with no UI should continue to work.
With AcuToWeb, your COBOL application interface displays in a browser. By default, the title of the tab in the browser is 'AcuToWeb' .You can change this by using the ACUTOWEB_TAB_TITLE configuration variable; it can be set in a runtime configuration file and then specified in the AcuConnect alias, or by using the SET phrase within your COBOL source.
If you are planning to deploy a character mode application that will include DBCS characters, then you should be aware of the effect that AcuToWeb sizing has on text and layout elements when a screen is displayed. AcuToWeb uses cascading style sheets to render the web pages when viewing the application within your browser.