Configuring acuprof

The acuprof utility takes the following flags:

Flag Description
-a or


If you have specified a name other than acumon#.xml for the profiler output file, use this flag to pass the correct name to the acuprof utility.
-o or


To give the report file a name other than the default, acumon.rpt, use this flag.
-c or


Sort data in the report file by the entry count for each program and paragraph. (By default, the report is sorted by time.)
-n or


Sort data in the report file alphabetically by program and paragraph name. (By default, the report is sorted by time.)
-q or


This flag is used to suppress the report complete message used to indicate that acuprof has run successfully.

For example:

runcbl acuprof -a profile.114 -o report.114 -n

Here, acuprof parses a profiler output file called profile.114 and produces a report called report.114, sorted by program and paragraph name.