Informing the User When an Update Is Needed

When a thin client event triggers the update process, the thin client displays a message box informing the user that an update is required. The appearance of the box may be triggered by a version or protocol number mismatch or a build number mismatch. At this point, the user may choose to proceed with or cancel the update. Three runtime configuration variables control the message box's appearance.

The default setting of "1" (on, true, yes) for the TC_AUTO_UPDATE_QUERY configuration variable enables the display of the query message box. Setting this variable to "0" (off, false, no) prevents the message box appearance.

You use the TC_AUTO_UPDATE_QUERY_TITLE configuration variable to specify the title bar text in the automatic update query message box. The default value of this variable is


The value of the TC_AUTO_UPDATE_QUERY_MESSAGE configuration variable determines the message displayed in the query message box. The default value depends on the circumstances that triggered the automatic update. For example, if the automatic update is triggered by a version or protocol number mismatch, the message displayed is:

Incompatible server version
Server version: <srvvers>, client <clntvers>
Server protocol: <srvproto>, client <clntproto>
Press OK to automatically correct this problem

where <srvvers>, <clntvers>, <srvproto>, and <clntproto> are replaced by the server version, client version, server protocol number, and client protocol number, respectively.

If the automatic update is triggered by a build number mismatch, the message displayed is:

This application requires a newer version of ACUCOBOL-GT Thin Client
Build required: <reqbld>, current <curbld>
Press OK to automatically update this software

where <reqbld> is the value of the TC_REQUIRES_BUILD_NUMBER configuration variable, and <curbld> is the build number of the currently running thin client.

If the automatic update is triggered by any other condition, the following message appears:

This copy of ACUCOBOL-GT Thin Client is out of date
Press OK to automatically update this software