Several types of runtimes are available on Windows systems, each of which supports a distinct type of deployment. Each runtime
is licensed separately.
- The standard Windows runtime is encapsulated in a dynamic link library (DLL), and is started via the program named "wrun32.exe".
This runtime is used for all standard Windows deployments.
- Thin client deployments use a special runtime named "acuthin.exe". For more information about thin client technology, see
AcuConnect®User's Guide.
- The Windows Console runtime, named "crun32.exe", supports applications originally developed for Extended DOS or other character-based
systems. The console runtime uses the Windows Console API and runs in a virtual DOS window. For more information, see
ACUCOBOL-GT User's Guide > Introduction > The ACUCOBOL-GT Runtime > Windows Console Runtime.
- The Alternate Terminal Manager (ATM) runtime, named "run32.exe", allows users to use a 32-bit Windows server in much the same
way that some UNIX servers are used. With the ATM runtime, the user can telnet to the Windows server (with a third-party telnet
service) to execute character-based ACUCOBOL-GT programs in the telnet window. The ATM is described in more detail in
ACUCOBOL-GT User's Guide > Terminal Manager.
- To support Windows-based deployment of Web applications, there is a special Web runtime and CGI runtime. For more information
on these options, see
A Programmer's Guide to the Internet