Adding an Access Record

Use the following procedure to add an access record.

  1. Start the Access File Manager.
  2. Click option [1] on the main menu. The manager presents a series of five prompts, one for each field in the record. The first field is the Client Machine Name field. The prompt looks something like this:
    A value of "*" for client machine name means that 
    this record will match all clients for which there
    are no other records.  You cannot use alias names. 
    The name must be the official machine name.  Enter 
    the official machine name [*]:

    Enter a client machine name or accept the default value.

  3. The second prompt is for the Client Username:
    If no client user name is entered it implies any user.
    Enter client user name []:

    If this field is blank, any user name will match. Enter a client machine name or accept the default value.

  4. The third prompt fills in the Local Username field:
    A value of 'same as client' for local user name
    means to use the client user name.  If no local 
    user name is entered DEFAULT_USER is used.
    Enter the local user name [same as client]:

    The Local Username is the name that AcuConnect will use when executing access requests for requesters that match the first two fields of this record. If the Local Username is not a valid name on the server, the server will attempt to use the value of the server configuration variable DEFAULT_USER (if defined). If DEFAULT_USER is not defined, the connection will be refused (AcuConnect returns an error 9D/103). Enter a local user name or accept the default value.

  5. The fourth prompt allows you to specify a password that must be supplied by requesters who match this record:
    If no password is entered it implies none.
    Enter password []:
    Retype password for verification:

    Enter a password up to 64 characters long. The set of allowable characters includes upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, the space character, and most special characters (all ASCII characters numbered 32 to 126). Delete, escape, and other non-printable characters are not allowed. The password characters are not echoed on the screen when entered. You are asked to enter the password a second time to verify that it was entered correctly.

    If the password verification fails, you see the following message:
    Mismatch - try again.
    If no password is entered it implies none.
    Enter password []:
  6. The final prompt allows you to specify a umask:
    The umask defines the file creation mask for all 
    files created by this user.  It must be an octal 
    value between 000 and 777.
    Enter umask [002]:

    Enter the umask of the runtime process started for the user or accept the default value. See Establishing System Security for information on determining this value.

    If you enter an invalid umask value, you see this message:
    Invalid value for umask - try again.
  7. After you specify a valid umask, the access file manager adds the record to the server access file:
    Record added.
    Press <Return> to continue...

    If you accept all of the defaults when creating the record, the entry looks like this:

    Client Machine Name Client Username Local Username Password umask
    *   <same as client> <none> 002

    This record entry matches any client and allows any user to connect to the server, provided that the user has an account of the same name on the server, or the DEFAULT_USER variable is defined with the name of a valid user. Through inclusion or exclusion of wild cards, named entries, passwords, and umasks, it is possible to construct a server access file that allows open, unrestricted access; rigid, tightly controlled access; or almost any level in between.