Working with Runtime Configuration Files

AcuBench includes an integrated Configuration File Editor (CFE) that allows you to open and edit any Micro Focus runtime configuration file. With the CFE, you no longer need to access the host system's text editor to create new configuration files or modify a configuration variable.

The CFE provides a list of most of the available configuration variables, along with an interface that allows you to add your own user-defined variables. Both types of variables can be listed and modified within the CFE in the same manner. You can also press F1 when highlighting a variable to jump to the variable's help entry.

The CFE is accessed through the Runtime tab of the Project Settings interface. When the Common Options catalog is selected, the Alternate configuration file name (-c) option allows you to specify a configuration file that will be used when you execute programs in your project. Enter a path and file name here, then click the Edit button to launch the CFE.


When you enter a path to a configuration file that already exists, the CFE opens and parses the selected file, even if the file was not created in AcuBench.

Currently the CFE has one notable limitation. Although it can be used to add or remove a configuration variable, it cannot be used to comment out or uncomment a variable (place or remove a "#" in front of a variable).