Accessing remote files requires that your application refer to them with remote name notation. The ACUCOBOL-GT runtime looks for remote name notation to identify requests to AcuServer. Remote name notation has the following format:
I/O requests to files prepended with @server-name:path-name are routed to AcuServer on the host specified by server-name. AcuServer looks for the named file in the directory specified by path-name, for example:
To add a remote path to FILE_PREFIX or CODE-PREFIX, use the format:
FILE_PREFIX @server-name:path-name CODE_PREFIX @server-name:path-name
As an alternative to FILE_PREFIX, you can define file name aliases in the runtime configuration file. A file name alias is a string that will replace the literal name in the ASSIGN TO clause of a SELECT statement. For example:
input-output section. file-control. select idx-file assign to disk “IDXDAT” binary sequential status is idx-status.
To define an alias for IDXDAT you could add the following line to your runtime configuration file:
IDXDAT @condor:/usr/data/index_data