
This configuration variable causes the runtime to use the native 3-D features of Windows when drawing controls with the 3-D style. This has an effect only with the 32-bit Windows runtime. Turn this feature on by setting WIN32_3D to 1 (on, true, yes). When set to the default of 0 (off, false, no), the runtime supplies its own 3-D effects. The advantage of using the native Windows 3-D is that you get a slightly more modern appearance and a closer match to the appearance of other Windows programs. The disadvantages are:

  1. Windows always draws the border using the colors selected in the system's control panel. As a result, the effect looks right only when placed on a window whose background is the USER-GRAY color. You can accomplish this easily by creating STANDARD windows that specify BACKGROUND-LOW.
  2. The Windows 3-D effect is slightly larger than the runtime's 3-D effect. Windows draws a 1-pixel wide border around the control that is the same color as the USER-GRAY color. This border is essentially invisible against a window with the USER-GRAY background. However, this border can overwrite anything else that may be positioned there. The net effect is that you can't place controls as close together as you can with the runtime's 3-D.
  3. This 3-D style can be used only with the 32-bit runtime.

The runtime adjusts for the physical differences between the two styles. Under either style, the position and usable size of the control's interior should be same.

Note: This configuration setting can effect the behavior of an application if it is using the latest Windows control styling, that is the WIN32_NATIVECTLS configuration variable set to 1, true, or on. If WIN32_3D has not been set by the user then the default value will be overridden and set to false (0 or off). If the user has set WIN32_3D then their settings will not be overridden and if it is set to true (1 or on) then 3D drawing will occur over the top.