This variable allows you to specify an alternate runtime response to a divide by zero condition when the statement does not include a SIZE ERROR clause.

In COBOL, a division by zero produces a size error condition. The SIZE ERROR clause allows the programmer to specify actions to take when this condition occurs. If there is no SIZE ERROR clause, by default in ACUCOBOL-GT the results are undefined. You can use the A_CHECKDIV configuration variable to specify alternate handling.

A_CHECKDIV can be set to:

NONE "0" The default setting. This setting retains the default behavior of the runtime: the results are undefined.
ABEND "1",



This setting causes the runtime to catch the divide by zero condition and exit with the error message: Attempt to divide by zero.
MOVE_ZERO "2", ZERO_RESULT, MOVE_ZEROS This setting causes the runtime to move zeroes to the destination item(s) and continue.